
Flea and Tick Shampoo in Torrance, CA

Treating Dog’s Anxiety At A Groomer

Every dog is unique and so are their behavioral patterns. Pup-E-Tails understands the needs of every dog and caters to them accordingly. It becomes very challenging for both the dog and the groomer. To deal with the dog’s anxiety the owner plays a very important role. Dogs with anxiety show visible signs of fear, aggression, or stress. To deal with it, the owner needs to understand the root cause of anxiety. What can be the possible triggers that lead to the furry friend’s anxious behaviors? Minimizing the stress during the grooming session should be the top priority. Our groomers make sure that your pet is always feeling the most comfortable and is accustomed to the surroundings to avoid any unnecessary stress. You can also make use of a few tricks and tips to keep the stresses of your furry friend away.

Dog Grooming Service in Dudmore, CA

Understand And Study The Cause Of Anxiety

Certain triggers can lead to a dog being anxious. Be it car rides or unfamiliar surroundings, one has to pay close attention to find the actual cause. Sometimes even loud noises can trigger anxiety and lead the dog to feel uncomfortable at the groomer.

Create A Calm Environment

Creating a relaxing environment is important for an overstimulated dog. When the environment is familiar and there are no external stimuli, it will automatically lead to the dog having less to zero anxiety. Once the required environment is created, slowly familiarise the pet with the grooming tools. In this way, it will not be startled at the sight of something unfamiliar.

Keep The Grooming Sessions Short

A shorter duration of the grooming session can help keep anxiety at an all-time low. Giving breaks in between and letting the dog sniff the tools, grooming table, etc can help reduce anxiety and maintain a calm environment throughout.

Use Positive Reinforcement

If scolding for wrong behavior is required so is rewarding for the positive behavior. Though positive reinforcement does not give the desired results in the stipulated time, it works better in the long run. Whenever your little or not-so-little friend shows positive and less anxiety-prone behavior be sure to give them a treat. When they know that not being anxious will get them rewarded they will get accustomed to that particular behavior and not get hyperactive or anxious more often.

Grooming a dog with anxiety requires a lot of patience. To make sure that the dog is comfortable in its space our team makes sure that all the demands are met. From the beginning to the end of the session, we make sure that our friend does not feel any stress. Ranging from a normal trim to a full grooming session we have curated and made the space in such a way that it reduces anxiety drastically. All you need to do is inform the team about the issues you are facing and leave the rest to us. We make sure that all the needs are met and only the highest quality of service is provided. Contact our team and leave all the anxieties and worries with us.