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Dog Ears, Teeth & Eyes Clean Downey, CA

Grooming does not only mean keeping your dog’s coat silky and shiny. It means improving the overall hygiene of your pet. Just like a human, you will not consider a person well-groomed unless their ears, eyes, and teeth are cleaned. We as humans have the advantage of being able to carry out the tasks on our own but our furry friends do not. Pup-E-Tails Pet Grooming advises you to have regular full grooming sessions booked for your pet to make sure that they are in A1 condition at all times. Keeping them groomed is not only helpful for their looks but also for their health. The teeth, especially can deteriorate over time causing them to face a lot of problems. A healthy and clean pet is always a happy pet. You can also follow some at-home tips to ensure that your pet is clean all the time.


To ensure that the eyes of your dog are clean, the first thing you should do is clean them with a moist cloth to remove any crusts that may have accumulated overnight. This also allows you to check their eyes daily and make sure that they are fine. While checking you should also see to it that no hair is touching the cornea of the eye and causing your dog any sort of irritation. The beginning of many eye problems begins with a water coming out of the dog’s eyes. In the light-coloured coat of the dogs, this can be seen as maroon or brown spots near the eyes. If you ever feel your dog is facing any kind of problem in the eye, contact the vet immediately.


Ears are not very problematic for most dogs. They can easily spend their whole life without facing any problems at all. But this does not mean not care for their ears. The moisture and debris that accumulates in the ear canal can at times cause a problem to your pet. Ear mites in the ear can cause a lot of damage to the dog and lead to severe itching. At times certain kind of bacteria can also lead to the accumulation of wax in their ears. Keep an eye on your dogs for a few symptoms of ear infections like head tilting, ear scratching, smelly ears, lots of ear wax, redness, or anything out of the ordinary. You should visit the vet to have the problem diagnosed and to find a better solution for it. To avoid the hassle the best way is to clean the ears bi-weekly with a warm towel and you are good to go.


Dental care in dogs is similar to humans. The habit of brushing their teeth can be inculcated in your dog as well at a young age. The simple way of brushing their teeth is rubbing your fingers along their jaw and using some meat-flavored toothpaste and that will do it. Do not use human toothpaste, it can be harmful to the dogs.

When you regularly clean and take a look at your little friends eyes, ears, and teeth you can catch early signs of damage. This way the problem can be tackled early and any danger will be averted.